Our non-profit organizations serve people directly involved in violent conflict; victims as opposing (militant) forces. We contribute to a reduction and ideally transformation of destructive energies limiting or even extinguish lives. We assist people overcoming challenges of injustice and untruth.

In countries with various conflicts we work as independent organizations responding to the respective needs of inhabitants within their specific context. Together we learn with and from each other as a uniting network of Peace Agents.

An important common guidance in our activities is the martial art and “art of peace” aikido. Its philosophy and principles shape our organizations, its hands-on approach and techniques allow us to reach people on the ground. We use aikido where martial arts originally had been meant for: violent environments.

We motivate people in conflict to concentrate on what they are fighting for instead of whom they are fighting against. We assist them in finding opportunities of development and relationship building and in shaping processes of necessary change in a constructive way. Fighting for (positive change) opens many different possibilities for achievement. Fighting against (something or someone), in contrast, often narrows the viewpoints on the obstacles and resistances on the way. While the latter frequently leads to the development of various kinds of violent behavior and attitudes, the first mindset allows more creativity and constructiveness.

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